Sunday, November 13, 2016

NaBloPoMo: day 13

Foreboding sky this afternoon when I headed out

I met my friend from uni days for afternoon tea in Camberwell this afternoon. We had a good catch up and over delicious treats from the Laurent French bakery (mine was a miniature lemon meringue pie capped with a perfect dome of meringue).  It was pleasant way to while away a few hours on a Sunday afternoon. 

(As I usually do after spending time with friends, I thought, "I really should make more effort to keep in touch with my friends," but I'm probably not going to get any better at it: I'm an introvert and, as much as I like my friends, I rarely feel compelled to spend time with other people.)  

I forgot to take my umbrella with me when I left home (which almost never happens) and it started to rain quite heavily while I was on the train home, but it stopped not long after I got off the train while I waited under cover. I timed my comings and goings well once again.

 We had cheese kranskies for dinner. Yum. Cheese is the best. 

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