Sunday, May 9, 2010

Awesome coincidence

Remember I wrote yesterday how I enjoy that freshly-clipped nail feeling? Well, last night after publishing that post, I had a hot bath and settled in to read The Book of Awesome.

And what should crop up on page 234? Finally clipping your fingernails after you've been meaning to do it all week!! It's like the author Neil Pasricha read my mind....from the past.

I don't like my nails long but I also don't like cutting them, so they usually end up way too long, and interfere with my typing and texting before I do something about it and then aaaaaah. Short. All good. 

I had some time to kill in the city tonight so I went to Borders and bought some books for my trip - two Penguin classics: The Lucky Country (an Australian classic) and Breakfast at Tiffany's, which is set in New York. Quite fitting, I thought!

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