Thursday, June 24, 2010

Unsimple pleasures

I did something on Tuesday I had wanted - and needed - to do for a while: I resigned my job. I don't finish there for a few more weeks, but every day is a day closer to a more satisfying and interesting working life.

I haven't got another job to go to yet. I plan to temp for a while and see what comes along. It's means my future is a little uncertain, but I'm feeling confident and positive about it. 

I just couldn't stay any longer - my job has become progressively less busy and more menial and I'm bored witless. I'm quite often in a bad mood when I'm there and I feel like I'm wasting my life. I was fed up before I went to New York and it was very deflating to return.

I'm looking forward to being busy, being challenged meeting new people and leaving at the end of the day feeling as if I did a good day's work. Bring it on!


Jayne said...

Best thing to do is move along, it's the universe telling you you've out-grown that job and there's something better out there for you ;)

Moan said...

I'm feeling the same thing . . .

I fear money at present. Although I am silly for fearing it, as everythign always turns out in the end, evven with money, I always end up with enough.

dam buster said...

Congratulations Jayne. I hope the change is positive and results in more employment Glee!!!!