Saturday, January 10, 2009

Unexpected fun with acrobats and hula hoops

Circus Trick Tease on the lawn at St Paul's

I had an unexpectedly fun day. I went into the city to do a little shopping and found myself in the midst of The Streets of Melbourne Festival, an outdoor confection of arts, music, comedy, street theatre, circus arts and cabaret.

There were buff young men (mmm...biceps!) and women performing daring feats of acrobatics, swinging from things dangling in the air and cracking jokes, men in kaftans playing guitars, a French maid juggling balls and a broom, a duo of faux air hostesses hula-hooping and cracking jokes, a great big bubble machine, and quirky art made from sugar and kitschy plastic bits and baubles...all in the beautiful summer sun with appreciative crowds.

So much to see and dammit! I left my camera at home. Noooooo! I've become so used to having it practically attached to my hand that when I realised I'd forgotten it, I felt that slightly bereft feeling I get if I leave my mobile phone at home. (Picture above taken with crappy camera phone.)


I bought a pedometer today. I want to find out how much walking I do in a week. I reckon it would be getting up close to 40 kilometres. Walking to and from work for five days alone is about 30 kms. I'll keep you posted (assuming I can work out how to use it).


Anonymous said...

Sounds as if you had an enjoyable day ! I think I will try a pedometer too, Nannying 4 kids under 5 should take quite a few steps a day.
Some glee from me...
1. Going to DFO with 2 girlfriends for a whole day.
2. Buying nice clothes carefree,usually have to watch what I spend.
3. Restful day at home, bliss !

Jayne said...

Hey Abbeysmum. It was fun. I also added three more Dr Seuss books to my collection and bought 3 fave movies on DVD really cheap (which both go towards achieving goals on my 101 list - obviously not the hard stuff!).

Wow, 4 kids under 5. No wonder they have a nanny! I reckon you'd possibly outdo me in the walking department, especially considering I sit down most of the day at work. Let me know how you go!

Ah, having a little splurge every now and then without having to watch the pennies is a rare pleasure. And having new clothes to wear is a great buzz too.

Anonymous said...

pedometers are fun :)

i had one when i was doing WeightWatchers...but i also discovered you can cheat shaking it hahahaa.


Jayne said...

Hey Victoria. I don't even need to cheat - the thing clocks up the steps just sitting there! Lucky I'm only using it for a week just for curiosity's sake.

Unknown said...

Aren't unexpected festivals and events just the best! I really admire that 1) you walk, walk, walk and 2) that you take advantage of what your city has to offer. Brilliant!

Small Footprints