Thursday, August 21, 2014

Day 1 of my long weekend

Look at that furry tail! LOOK. AT. IT

First day of my extended weekend and I did very little. I didn't leave the house at all (unless you count taking a few steps onto the fire escape to water my pitiful herb garden). 

I had a sleep in, did a few domestic things, pottered about on the internet, indulged my guilty pleasure (wedding shows), made and ate some cookie dough (eggless, Dina!) and that's about it. 

Oh, I achieved perfection in folding a fitting bedsheet. That was pretty thrilling. 

I'm looking forward to leaving the house tomorrow for my neurologist appointment in the city at 11.00am.


Anonymous said...

It is not possible to fold a fitted bed sheet properly and I don't care how many You Tube videos there are of people showing how to do it. Your will look wrong, just as the rest do. :-)

Lindy said...

Enjoy your long weekend and have a good rest.