Saturday, August 4, 2012

Good pain, weird fruit, yummy muffins

I had my massage this morning. It was painful, but in a good way. The massage therapist said my muscles were very tight, especially my backside. Yep, I have tight buns. She spent quite a fair portion of the  one-hour appointment pummelling my posterior with her elbow. Ow. I'm going to start having regular massages. After I finish this post, I'm going to have a soak in a hot bath. 

After my massage, we went to Victoria Market to buy our fresh produce. As we were parking the car, I spotted an old sign on William Street. 

It's not as fun going to the market when I'm doing my low-allergy diet* because everything looks so delicious and tempting, but I can only eat a very limited range of fruit and vegetables. We did get a couple of weeks worth of meat though, including some lamb shanks for the slow cooker. 

We saw some Buddha's hands, a yellow citrus fruit with long fingers. I'd never even heard of them before, much less seen one. They're weird. 

* I can't remember if I mentioned I'm doing the Friendly Food diet again as part of a research project conducted by a pair of Monash Uni honours students. My dietician put my name forward to participate in the hope it might shed some light on my problem foods, since previous attempts at completing the diet have ended in frustration. This time it's only for about a month or so and I don't need to wait for my symptoms to clear up before I start the testing phase on Wednesday. They also supplied me with some snacks to make it a bit easier.  

Among other things, they gave me a dozen vanilla muffins which were scrumptious. I also got the recipe, so this afternoon I made some of my own. They're tasty. That's my morning tea sorted for the week. 

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