Saturday, September 13, 2008

There's something in the air tonight

The air is abuzz in my neighbourhood tonight. One of the things I love about my inner city abode is that it's walking distance to Melbourne's sports and entertainment precinct. When there are major events happening, I'm right in the thick of it.

There's a crowd of about 75,000 people at the MCG stadium for a football semi-final as I write and with each goal, I can hear the roar through my open window. There's also a Judas Priest concert at another nearby stadium, but I won't mind so much if I can't hear that!

The warm, windy day has given way to a beautifully still, mild night. I walked up the street at sunset to pick up take-away for dinner and the streets were thronged with people in team colours, having pre-game dinner and drinks. Beer gardens were packed and buzzing. Music fans were also lined up outside a local live music venue for a gig there.

I sat on the bank of the river and ate my satay beef noodles, enjoying the feel of my bare feet on the cool grass and the reflection of the city lights on the dark water.

What do you love about where you live?


Anonymous said...

I spent my weekend in Brisbane last week and it was fabulous to be in the city...sunshine and Picasso was a great combo...I should make more of an effort to get down there, but sometimes the thought of a 2 hr drive is offputting, and the trains from here are few and far between.

As for where I live...I just love the trees, the mountains, the birds...and driving over the crest of the hill and seeing the bay at Noosa on the's such an awesome view...Coming back here from 4 months away has really dusted the cobwebs from my eyes and I have fallen in love with the hinterland all over again :)

Anonymous said...

I live in Florida and enjoy the many different kinds of bugs and wildlife. Our dog takes us for a walk in the park every morning so we get to see all kinds of critters. It gives us great joy to see hundreds of tiny tree frogs hopping around on the bushes and huge Golden Silk spiders hanging in their webs. We feel very lucky to live here.

Anonymous said...

I used to live downtown Ottawa (Ontario, Canada). When the Senators (our hockey team) were in the NHL playoffs I could hear a roar from every pub for miles around when they scored. It was really cool. I have moved over to Quebec recently. I love the fact that we can have a big house and huge yard, but if I could pick them up and move them back to downtown Ottawa, I'd be in heaven.

Jayne said...

I bet it is awesome. You're very lucky to live there.

They say coming home instils a new appreciation for where you live.

Jayne said...

Wow, frogs! I can't remember the last time I saw a frog in the wild. I used to see them all the time as a kid, although I guess that was in he country and I'm a city dweller now (but also frog populations have declined).

The spiders sound scary but cool. Wouldn't want to wander around there in the dark!

Jayne said...

Oops, those last two comments were for Victoria and Emmy respectively . Brain sleepy.

Jayne said...

Hi Urban Panther. I've seen you around the blogosphere - thanks for stopping by.

It sounds very cool, although a big yard would be awesome as well. I guess some people would enjoy being away from that hive of activity, but I love it.

I have to move from here at some point as the property has been sold to developers and I'm going to be SO sad to leave. I will try to stay in the same area, but it's an expensive area to live (my rent hasn't gone up in years). Knowing I have to move really makes me appreciate even more all the fabulous things about living here.

Unknown said...

I live in a little spot just outside of Brisbane. I love being "close" (it's a relative term) to the city and living in a quieter place with access to the bay, some islands, farmlets. It has grown over the years and there isn't as much bushland or as many farms as there once was. But the islands are still there, the bay, the dugongs, we sometimes see dolphins playing. Oh and we have some great libraries ;-p

Anonymous said...

I live in Slovenia, Europe... I love looking at the green hills right through the dining room window, listening to birds' singing in the forest and watch the deer graceful moves in the vineyard from the living room... I may miss wandering the streets of the capital city from time to time, having lived there for 10 years and then moved back to my hometown 13 years ago, but with a family it is a better alternative to live in the green... Much more "gleeful".

Jayne said...

@ Gillian. Sounds like you have the best of both worlds there. And dugongs! I've only ever seen them at Sea World, but there is nothing like seeing a creature in its natural habitat (especally a kinda weird one like a dugong).

I'm sure your library is the best in town too.

Jayne said...

@ Meri. I'm gleeful at having a reader from Slovenia! Welcome!

Your home town sounds lovely. I grew up in the country but can't imagine going back - now, anyway. Perhaps when (if!) I have kids it might be more appealing. I do like to visit the country though.